Selasa, 13 April 2010

How to Chill a Drink Quickly

Have you ever forgotten to stock your refrigerator with your favorite soda or beer? All you are left with is that room temperature beverage. Fortunately, it is possible to chill canned and bottled drinks in a matter of minutes with this easy method, and without diluting the drink itself with ice.

1. Measure the temperature of the drink. This step is optional; once you open a can, this method won't be as effective. If this is your first time trying it, though, it will be interesting to record how drastically the temperature can change.

2. Fill a bowl (the thicker and/or more insulated the better) with water and add ice to it. Add as much ice to the water as you can, but not so much that it prevents the entire beverage container from being submerged into the water. A 50/50 mix of ice and water is a good rule of thumb.

3. Add table salt to the ice. A small handful should do. Adding salt lowers the freezing temperature of the water. That means that the water can get colder than the normal freezing temperature (32F, 0C) without turning into ice and causing your soda to litterally explode.

4. Place your drinks in the ice water solution and rapidly stir them all around. By stirring, you're using forced convection to speed the transfer of heat out of your drink and into the ice water solution.

5. Wait two minutes. Measure the temperature of one of the drinks - the temperature should have fallen dramatically in a very short time. If it needs more time chilling, stir the remaining drinks in the salted ice water for another minute or two.

6. Enjoy your cold drink. It should now be about the perfect temperature to quench your thirst.

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